
24 June 2018

Sasha joined us at a tender age and was initially very quick to cry and avoid unfamiliar people and physical contact. He was soon diagnosed with ADHD and autism. OnceSasha becomes accustomed to the presence of a person and recognizes the familiar face, he seeks hugs and proximity. Sasha can often be found with the staff members who typically provide care for the youngest children, seeking out the sort of tender care and affection often poured out on babies. Even with his verbal limitations, he shows joy and a sense of belonging. With the love and care provided by Rehema Home, we are confident that Sasha will grow into a happy young person

Why Sponsor?

Read our sponsorship FAQs to learn how your investment and involvement make a difference in Sasha’s life.


Want to help but aren’t ready to commit? We understand! Instead, consider donating to Rehema Home in Sasha’s honor.

Other Options

You can also sponsor via check or online bill pay. You can even choose when you'd like to schedule your sponsorship payments—monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually.

Sometimes it is just easier to talk to someone. Shaye at Rehema Home US is happy to answer your questions. Send her an email or give her a call at (585)833-5748.