
Birthday: July 6, 2010

Kelly was born in the Nairobi region of Kenya. He was being cared for by his father, who approached us because he could not care for him alone any longer. We were happy to help, but shortly after his arrival Kelly became very sick and he was hospitalized. It seemed quite grim. But of course, Providence stepped in and Kelly recovered. When watching him run, jump, climb and giggle, you would never believe he was ever that ill. The only thing you will see is his smile.

It’s rare to come across a smile and disposition like Kelly’s. When he smiles, he smiles with his whole body. He smiles with his eyes, his shoulders; he probably even smiles with his toes. That’s because he means it; he is happy. It radiates from him and becomes infectious to all those around him. Kelly loves singing, dancing, and is a truly excellent student.

Rehema Home is blessed to be responsible for a small human being like Kelly. His future is bright and we are happy to help him accomplish anything he wants to. We are sure he will go far as he inspires the world with his cheer.

Want to help but are unsure if sponsorship is right for you? Read our sponsorship FAQs to learn how your investment and involvement makes a difference in Kelly’s life.

Why Sponsor?

Read our sponsorship FAQs to learn how your investment and involvement make a difference in Kelly’s life.


Want to help but aren’t ready to commit? We understand! Instead, consider donating to Rehema Home in Kelly’s honor.

Other Options

You can also sponsor via check or online bill pay. You can even choose when you'd like to schedule your sponsorship payments—monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually.

Sometimes it is just easier to talk to someone. Shaye at Rehema Home US is happy to answer your questions. Send her an email or give her a call at (585)833-5748.