
Birthday: September 12, 2014
Home: Rehema Home Nairobi

Chris became a part of our Rehema Home family when he was only six months old. Certain life circumstances brought him to our Home. He was in good health and is now looking toward a bright future.

Chris is a typical boy for his age. He is always running around the grounds, especially with the other children. You can hear him giggling and chattering away. Chris is also an exceptional student. He is as healthy and happy as you would hope for any child to be and that makes us happy, too. Chris is still young, which means there are so many wonderful things ahead for him. It is exciting to watch him grow.

Why Sponsor?

Read our sponsorship FAQs to learn how your investment and involvement make a difference in Chris’ life.


Want to help but aren’t ready to commit? We understand! Instead, consider donating to Rehema Home in Chris’ honor.

Other Options

You can also sponsor via check or online bill pay. You can even choose when you'd like to schedule your sponsorship payments—monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually.

Sometimes it is just easier to talk to someone. Shaye at Rehema Home US is happy to answer your questions. Send her an email or give her a call at (585)833-5748.