
Birthday: August 22, 2007

Bassett is a teen with a bright smile whose endearing nature is part of his wonderful qualities.

Bassett was born in Nairobi. After his mother died, his family was unable to care for him and his brother, Brice. We were happy to welcome the two lovely boys and make them part of our Rehema Home family. Although both boys were healthy, neither of them spoke English or Swahili, but instead spoke only their tribal language.

Today, Bassett is a wonderful student who is always at the top of his class. He has grown into a lovely person, who has a lot of friends. We look forward to seeing him continue to grow and fill the world with his wonderful smile.

Want to help but are unsure if sponsorship is right for you? Read our sponsorship FAQs to learn how your investment and involvement makes a difference in Bassett’s life.

Why Sponsor?

Read our sponsorship FAQs to learn how your investment and involvement make a difference in Bassett’s life.



Want to help but aren’t ready to commit? We understand! Instead, consider donating to Rehema Home in Bassett’s honor.

Other Options

You can also sponsor via check or online bill pay. You can even choose when you'd like to schedule your sponsorship payments—monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually.

Sometimes it is just easier to talk to someone. Shaye at Rehema Home US is happy to answer your questions. Send her an email or give her a call at (585)833-5748.