Birthday: May 3, 2013
Edrian came to us with his small sister Ann. He was a healthy child but did not know English; he only spoke Swahili and his mother tongue. At first, he found it difficult to fit in but after a few days, he was running and playing around with the other kids. You will always find Edrian with a ball, as he loves both soccer and basketball. Edrian's playful and humorous nature never fails to bring joy and laughter to our home!
Why Sponsor?
Read our sponsorship FAQs to learn how your investment and involvement make a difference in Adrian’s life.
Want to help but aren’t ready to commit? We understand! Instead, consider donating to Rehema Home in Adrian’s honor.
Other Options
You can also sponsor via check or online bill pay. You can even choose when you'd like to schedule your sponsorship payments—monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually. Shaye at Rehema Home is happy to answer your questions. Send her an email or give her a call at (585)833-5748.