Where we started…
By the late 1990s, much of Africa was overwhelmed by the need created by the HIV/AIDS crisis; many children were orphaned or abandoned. When Christian missionaries Irv and Ruth Schwandt, living in Kenya, saw children without a home, they said, “We must help.” They didn’t have a plan to change the world, they were just willing to help any child God put in their path. Soon, one child became 4, which became 8, and the growth happened fast, as you can see in these pictures! In 25 years, Rehema has been home to 189 children. The Schwandt’s ‘yes’, coupled with the financial support of people all over the world, has made an unfathomable impact.
…And Where we are going
If you watched our video, you’ll know that there is one word that comes up again and again: “Family”. The children who grew up here don’t see themselves as orphans or as products of an institution. They see themselves as sons and daughters, brothers and sisters. Donors don’t see themselves as benefactors, they see themselves are part of this family. Many of these Rehema children are now adults, asking, “How can I help make a better life for my younger siblings?” We are asking you to help us CELEBRATE 25 years and to PAVE THE WAY for 25 more.
Staff salaries
We employ 39 Kenyan men and women to help with childcare, laundry, meal prep, security, etc. It costs us $4000/month to cover all the salaries.
Home Maintenance
Leaky roofs. Broken windows. Damaged front steps. You get it - homes don’t take care of themselves! Projects typically run around $2500.
We have a deep commitment to the education of the children in our home. Each is enrolled in schools that are best suited to their needs. On average, it costs $500 per year per child.
Household Items
Household items add up! Toilet paper, cleaning supplies, even bedding? On average, we spend $250 monthly on these expenses.
Fuel Fill-ups
In both Nairobi (urban) and Bukura (very rural), needs are not nearby. Grocery runs, doctors visits, school drop-off and pickups and even church require transport. One tank of fuel is around $150.

Rehema Home is a registered 501(c)(3), and all donations are tax-deductible. Donor correspondence will be sent from our US headquarters, Rehema Home US Fundraising, Inc. You will receive a financial statement at the end of each calendar year. Our constitution states that no more than 20% of our budget should go towards administrative costs and fundraising. That means that 80% or more of every dollar is spent on direct care of the children or on expansion projects.